24 results for cross pollination wikipedia
Now that Freebase is available as Linked Data a big question that comes to mind is whether these two major projects will move to assimilate one another. DBpedia and Freebase – two endeavors primarily focused on curating unstructured and semi-structured data about everything and releasing it back into the wild (with structure) – get the bulk of their information from Wikipedia, so the amount of topical overlap is assumed to be extremely high. DBpedia gains new information when it extracts data from the latest Wikipedia dump, whereas Freebase, in addition to Wikipedia extractions, gains new information through its userbase of editors.
Continue reading Cross-Pollinating DBpedia and Freebase
A lot of you emailed me asking where to find more videos, so I'm delivering the goods. I've expanded the previous list from a paltry 17 to a remarkable 302, and I've included podcasts this time! There were so many videos I had to break them up into different categories for easier skimming. There are no duplicates, however I did place some videos into more than one category when I felt it was appropriate. This list is monstrous, enjoy.
Continue reading 302 Semantic Web Videos and Podcasts!
True Knowledge is a natural language search engine and question answering site, but to leave it at that would not do the site justice. What makes it stand out from similar sounding services like Powerset and Freebase? True Knowledge tackles natural language search and question answering (much like Powerset and Hakia), and it also maintains a knowledge base of facts about the world (similar to DBpedia and Freebase). However, what makes True Knowledge stand out is that they've combined these features and encourage their userbase to contribute facts and add new knowledge.
Continue reading True Knowledge: The Natural Language Question Answering Wikipedia for Facts
Over the years I've noticed that the importance of algorithms and data tends to shift back and forth, depending on which at the time is hardest to duplicate (often from a business perspective). This effect seems to be caused by the availability or demand of one side increasing or decreasing, shifting the balance of importance to the other. At one point the world of software was dominated by the proprietary. The organization with the best software (backend, algorithms, etc) was the dominant entity and data (from say, a Web 2.0 perspective) was generally not the focus. This may have partly been the responsibility of a mindset formed during an era with very little storage space and before mass user activity on the Web.
Continue reading Algorithms vs. Data: The Seesaw Effect
The journey from now to the Semantic Web is a long one. What we currently have on our hands with the current version of the Web are billions of documents totaling terabytes of data. This data is usually found within HTML pages comprised mainly of non-validating markup and very little, if any, meta data.
While there are billions of documents on the Web that contain no meta data whatsoever there is one shining star of hope: Natural Language Processing. NLP can be used to sift through the "garbage" data to extract coherent statements about the information held within.
Continue reading Natural Language Processing and the Semantic Web
- Semantic metadata for video and other multimedia?
- Will a new platform away from the browser have huge success? (ala Joost)
- How can video games benefit from what we're doing with the Semantic Web?
- Is Wikipedia the best playground for natural language processors to test their ability?
- Does the World Wide Web as we know it need to be replaced?
- Is HTTP inadequate for the future of the Web where streaming and maintaining state are becoming increasingly important?
- Are we entering another brutal browser war? Maybe this one will be different because we know the importance of compatability
- Will RDF or RDF/a be adopted by mainstream Web developers to markup semantic metadata?
- ...Or will something come along that's better suited and easier for beginners to pick-up
- Are we making any progress as-is towards our goal, or do we need to look for a different approach?
- Is the best course bottom-up (building the Semantic Web from the ground up by using semantic markup, microformats, RDF, etc) or is it top-down (using natural language processors to read the Web and make sense of it for us).
- With the freedom to create any RDF vocabulary or any ontology for that matter, will the real power be in mapping my meaning to your meaning?
The value of a dataset may be determined by any number of factors, however it can generally be agreed upon that the data's accuracy, how difficult it is to re-create, its source, and other important factors can affect the value of the data. However, as technology evolves to allow easier access to the information we require, the value of dataset may eventually decrease over time.
Continue reading The value of current datasets in the Semantic Web
The World Wide Web has long been evolving towards the vision of the Semantic Web — an extension of the existing web through which machines are better able to interoperate and work on our behalf. It promises to infuse the Internet with a combination of metadata, structure, and various technologies so that machines can derive meaning from information, make more intelligent choices, and complete tasks with reduced human intervention. It is a dramatic vision that stands to transform the existing Web in devastatingly powerful ways.
Continue reading Introduction to the Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 1 - Overview
Before I started researching the Semantic Web I spent a few years as a hobbyist game developer. In fact, if you'd asked me 4 years ago what I'd be doing today I would have said "working on a game engine." I still enjoy game development and (naturally) playing video games as well. I often wonder how the Semantic Web will affect game development, and how games may take advantage of Semantic Web technologies. I've searched high and low (on Google) and haven't found a single written piece on people's ideas of the Semantic Web and video games so I will describe my own, as well as provide some visuals to give you a clear picture.
Continue reading Possibilities for Video Games and the Semantic Web
We want everybody to communicate freely by crossing the barriers of language differences and cultural variety. This is the commonly agreed upon ultimate goal of the Semantic Web. How we are to realize the Semantic Web in particular is, however, another story. Typically, there are two thoughts on how to achieve this common goal. One thought is to build a web of data; the other is to build a web of agents. Nevertheless, these two thoughts approach the same goal and represent two different philosophies. This philosophical difference may eventually determine the fate of these two approaches.
Continue reading Abandon Babel, Welcome Society: The Philosophy Behind Semantic Web Approaches
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