102 results for semantic focus
I've rounded up over 60 Semantic Web blogs for your reading and subscribing pleasure! These blogs are just a portion of the sources being indexed regularly by the soon-to-be-launched Planet Semantic Focus. Enjoy!
Continue reading 60+ Semantic Web Blogs (List)
Microsoft has taken steps in the direction of supporting Semantic Web standards such as RDF, OWL, and SPARQL. While their support is minimal and not hyped very broadly it is still nice to see the them implementing these standards in their software. I also haven't seen any evidence that they wish to formulate a proprietary brand of these standards, so I have no complaints.
Continue reading How Microsoft Invests in Semantic Web Technologies
The World Wide Web has long been evolving towards the vision of the Semantic Web — an extension of the existing web through which machines are better able to interoperate and work on our behalf. It promises to infuse the Internet with a combination of metadata, structure, and various technologies so that machines can derive meaning from information, make more intelligent choices, and complete tasks with reduced human intervention. It is a dramatic vision that stands to transform the existing Web in devastatingly powerful ways.
Continue reading Introduction to the Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 1 - Overview
We want everybody to communicate freely by crossing the barriers of language differences and cultural variety. This is the commonly agreed upon ultimate goal of the Semantic Web. How we are to realize the Semantic Web in particular is, however, another story. Typically, there are two thoughts on how to achieve this common goal. One thought is to build a web of data; the other is to build a web of agents. Nevertheless, these two thoughts approach the same goal and represent two different philosophies. This philosophical difference may eventually determine the fate of these two approaches.
Continue reading Abandon Babel, Welcome Society: The Philosophy Behind Semantic Web Approaches
After the last post about "web of agents", I received a few questions about the "web of data." A few readers mistook my argument to be opposite of a web of data. Don't get me wrong, I have never been opposed to the presentation of a "web of data." I only emphasize that the web-of-data presentation is short of describing the human-web relationship in the Semantic Web. To encourage the engagement of more ordinary people to the grand vision of the Semantic Web, we need a more user-oriented presentation, i.e. a web of agents.
Continue reading Metadata or Hyperdata, Link or Thread, What is a Web of Data?
Right now there is more content being created than can be consumed. You might say "but all content gets consumed eventually, by someone." This is generally true and I completely agree. However, how much of that information is consumed by yourself? I will assert that it is a very small slice of the pie. Even if you focus on a single topic, there are simply too many publications. Try searching "Semantic Web" on Technorati or Bloglines to see just what I mean. It's a never ending flow of information. At the Web's current rate of expansion it will become harder and harder to keep up with it all.
Continue reading So much information, so little time for it all
Update: I've posted an update on the status of Planet Semantic Focus.
Since day one my goal for Semantic Focus has been to create a central hub for Semantic Web talk and activity. To help reach that goal I've been hard at work on a new feature for Semantic Focus! Planet Semantic Focus is an aggregator of Semantic Web buzz, capturing talk about the Semantic Web from hundreds of sources including:
Continue reading Launching Soon: Planet Semantic Focus
I've been steadily churning out code for the Planet Semantic Focus aggregator and interface, and I'm happy to say that it's nearing completion. Believe me, I can't wait to release that site!
The aggregator uses SimplePie to process various feed types and I have to say it's been a pleasure to work with! It has made getting a feed aggregator off the ground a much simpler task.
Continue reading Update on Planet Semantic Focus
Uche Ogbuji (partner at Zepheira) writes on Intranet Journal about how Semantic technology fits into the enterprise. This was a very informative read because it gave me a good idea of how semantic technologies and the Semantic Web will play a role in business and enterprise data architecture. He states that although the Semantic Web has suffered a lack of pragmatic focus, there are key areas of the business world that Semantic Web technologies can transform entirely. Thanks Uche!
I just launched the new site layout! In my opinion the new layout is a huge improvement over the old one. I'm sure I'll be spending the next week getting everything dialed in. It feels like I've been working on this redesign non-stop so it's a great relief to be able to focus more on other parts of the site (like Planet Semantic Focus).
Continue reading Introducing the New Semantic Focus Site Design
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