102 results for semantic web vision
This entry is a response to I will never support the Semantic Web by Brian of d'bug.
I'm getting tired of reading about how the Semantic Web is some kind of pipe dream that will never be realized. The Semantic Web is completely and entirely within our technological reach. People may have been given the impression that we cannot create the Semantic Web because of its complexity, the number of years it has been in development, or even the unanswered questions that still exist for certain problems we will face. These are valid reasons to doubt our progress, but progress is certainly what we are making.
Continue reading Some People Will Never Support the Semantic Web
The World Wide Web has long been evolving towards the vision of the Semantic Web — an extension of the existing web through which machines are better able to interoperate and work on our behalf. It promises to infuse the Internet with a combination of metadata, structure, and various technologies so that machines can derive meaning from information, make more intelligent choices, and complete tasks with reduced human intervention. It is a dramatic vision that stands to transform the existing Web in devastatingly powerful ways.
Continue reading Introduction to the Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 1 - Overview
In Part 2 of this series we reviewed Unicode, URI, and XML - three foundational technologies that permeate the existing Web and that are especially relevant to the emerging Semantic Web. We will put all three to use as we take our next step up the Semantic Web layer cake in a review of the Resource Description Framework (RDF). At the same time, we will be taking the visual RDF/OWL editor, Altova SemanticWorks, for a test drive. Since I will be using this tool for the very first time, you can expect an honest review that is rich with screenshots. If you do not already have the software, you may wish to download the trial version now so you can follow along.
Continue reading Introduction to the Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 3 - The Resource Description Framework
After the last post about "web of agents", I received a few questions about the "web of data." A few readers mistook my argument to be opposite of a web of data. Don't get me wrong, I have never been opposed to the presentation of a "web of data." I only emphasize that the web-of-data presentation is short of describing the human-web relationship in the Semantic Web. To encourage the engagement of more ordinary people to the grand vision of the Semantic Web, we need a more user-oriented presentation, i.e. a web of agents.
Continue reading Metadata or Hyperdata, Link or Thread, What is a Web of Data?
A lot of you emailed me asking where to find more videos, so I'm delivering the goods. I've expanded the previous list from a paltry 17 to a remarkable 302, and I've included podcasts this time! There were so many videos I had to break them up into different categories for easier skimming. There are no duplicates, however I did place some videos into more than one category when I felt it was appropriate. This list is monstrous, enjoy.
Continue reading 302 Semantic Web Videos and Podcasts!
The Semantic Web Company in Vienna, Austria is giving away a full conference pass worth $1,095 for the LinkedData Planet Conference! LinkedData Planet 2008 will be taking place on June 17-18, 2008 in New York with confirmed keynote speakers Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Kingsley Idehen and Ian Davis.
Continue reading Win a Full Conference Pass for LinkedData Planet 2008
I recently read on Network World that Gartner's David Mitchell Smith said "There are a lot of constituencies trying to hijack the term Web 3.0." I don't think I like Web 3.0 just yet, do you? I agree with the Gartner representative that Web 3.0 wreaks of marketing hype, and in my opinion it is a race by people that felt left behind by the Web 2.0 movement. Vendors pushing the term Web 3.0 are advocating the rise of the Mobile Web, virtual worlds, and the Semantic Web. I agree that all of these technologies will take rise, but I don't agree that we should call that era "Web 3.0."
Continue reading Where Do You Stand on Web 3.0?
Hey everyone, I've gathered some good reading material for your enjoyment! If you're new to the Semantic Web or just want to brush up on your knowledge then take a look at the following articles. Listed below are over thirty introductions, primers, references, guides, and tutorials on the Semantic Web, RDF, OWL, SPARQL, and GRDDL. If you know of other articles that would fit well here leave me a comment and I'll be happy to add them to the list. Enjoy!
Continue reading 30+ Semantic Web Introductions, References, Guides, and Tutorials
In Part 1 of this series, we introduced the Semantic Web vision set forth by Tim Berners-Lee. We also took a look at the famous layer cake diagram illustrating key technologies that make it possible. This week, we'll be munching around the bottom of the layer cake with a few important points about Unicode, URI, and XML. Below, you may notice that we are presenting a slightly different illustration of the layer cake than last week. The intent is not to confuse you, but rather to point out that there are a variety of interpretations floating around the Web.
Continue reading Introduction to the Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 2 - Foundations
Today we reach an important milestone in this series. We are crossing a great divide between familiar technologies such as XML, Unicode, URI, and RDF to the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This, my friends, is where things really start to get interesting because this is the point where the Semantic Web vision really starts to take form. Today, we present a screencast exhibiting Protégé — a free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework developed by Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research at the Stanford University School of Medicine. In this screencast, we show you how to develop a useful Semantic Web-ready application in just minutes. You will learn how to model a very simple ontology in OWL (the Web Ontology Language).
Continue reading Introduction to Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 4 - Protege 101 (Screencast)
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