102 results for eswc 2008 semantic web
The 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008) is being held in Tenerife, Spain from June 1 to June 5, 2008. The conference is still in its early organizational stage so a list of speakers has not yet been included, nor has a schedule been set for the presentations. ESWC 2008 will feature a tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters track, a Ph.D. symposium and a number of collocated workshops.
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ISWC 2008 will take place at the Kongresszentrum (Congress Center) in Karlsruhe, Germany from October 26th to the 30th. Information on invited speakers is not yet available.
Details surrounding ISWC 2009 have not yet been finalized, however Rudi Studer of the Semantic Web Science Association announced that it will be held in the Washington DC area. The conference is slated to be held at the end of October or the beginning of November.
ReadWriteWeb just posted an interesting article about investor opportunities and pitfalls in the Semantic Web space. The questions were asked to a panel of industry insiders at the SemTech 2008 conference. Panelists include Amanda Reed (Palomar Ventures), Eghosa Omoigui (Intel), and Stephen Hall (Vulcan Capital). This information can be very useful if you're looking to start a business within the Semantic Web industry.
The Semantic Web Company in Vienna, Austria is giving away a full conference pass worth $1,095 for the LinkedData Planet Conference! LinkedData Planet 2008 will be taking place on June 17-18, 2008 in New York with confirmed keynote speakers Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Kingsley Idehen and Ian Davis.
Continue reading Win a Full Conference Pass for LinkedData Planet 2008
While I am still waiting for an invitation from Twine (probably you too?) I have received one from Powerset - natural language search. Powerset obviously is a promising company (and is promising a lot), so I was excited when I was starting to play around with this new tool which still isn't available for the public.
Continue reading Natural Language Search - A New Breakthrough?
To all my fellow Python enthusiasts, Ivan Herman (with the help of new programmers from the CTIC Foundation in Spain) has released a new version of his SPARQL wrapper for Python. The wrapper creates the query URI for you and will convert the results to RDF/XML and JSON, if possible. Keep up the excellent work guys, we can never have enough Semantic Web libs for Python!
I've been hard at work on updating Semantic Focus, both from an articles standpoint as well as adding new features. Although larger, more hush-hush projects (Semantic Web/NLP related) loom on the horizon, I'd like to share with you a few changes you may have noticed around the blog, and how they are especially of benefit to our guest writers and other members of the Blogosphere.
Continue reading Semantic Focus Community Update (18-Feb-2008)
Deadlines are fast approaching for those submitting papers, Doctoral Consortium applications and tutorial proposals for ISWC 2008! More information can be found here.
Upcoming deadlines:
- Research papers: 9/16 May
- Semantic Web in Use papers: 16 May
- Tutorial proposals: 16 May
- Doctoral Consortium applications: 16 May
- Posters & Demo proposals: 25 July
- Workshops papers (13 workshops): Varies
- Semantic Web & Billion Triples challenge: 1 October
When constructing the Semantic Web, we are actually building two varied aspects simultaneously. One aspect is the Web that includes things such as the communication protocols, the Web data presentation formats, and so on. In particular, we have invented new technologies such as RDF, OWL, SPARQL, and other W3C recommended Semantic Web standards. The other aspect is the semantics that represent the meanings of Web data. Building semantics is, however, different from building the Web.
Continue reading Building Semantics is Different from Building the Web
Now that Freebase is available as Linked Data a big question that comes to mind is whether these two major projects will move to assimilate one another. DBpedia and Freebase – two endeavors primarily focused on curating unstructured and semi-structured data about everything and releasing it back into the wild (with structure) – get the bulk of their information from Wikipedia, so the amount of topical overlap is assumed to be extremely high. DBpedia gains new information when it extracts data from the latest Wikipedia dump, whereas Freebase, in addition to Wikipedia extractions, gains new information through its userbase of editors.
Continue reading Cross-Pollinating DBpedia and Freebase
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