10 results for rdf tagging

JUL 24th 2007

This post is a complement to the grassroots vs. ivory towers discussion. In the previous post, James mentioned two trends of realizing the dream of the Semantic Web. While the grassroots way encourages the wider adoption of the Semantic Web, the ivory-tower way stimulates the construction of Semantic Web standards. Besides all of these, these two sides indeed play different roles in weaving the Web — the destiny of web evolution.

Continue reading Weaving the Thread-Driven Semantic Web

SIOCSemantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC for short) is a framework aimed at connecting online communities and discussions from blogs, forums, content management systems mailing lists, and anything else. In the current Web, communities such as forums and blogs are like islands - they contain valuable information but are not well connected or queryable. SIOC allows you to connect these sites, and enables the extraction of semantic information from unlimited discussion platforms.

Continue reading Connect Discussions Between Blogs, Forums, and more with SIOC

After the last post about "web of agents", I received a few questions about the "web of data." A few readers mistook my argument to be opposite of a web of data. Don't get me wrong, I have never been opposed to the presentation of a "web of data." I only emphasize that the web-of-data presentation is short of describing the human-web relationship in the Semantic Web. To encourage the engagement of more ordinary people to the grand vision of the Semantic Web, we need a more user-oriented presentation, i.e. a web of agents.

Continue reading Metadata or Hyperdata, Link or Thread, What is a Web of Data?

FEB 21st 2008

A lot of you emailed me asking where to find more videos, so I'm delivering the goods. I've expanded the previous list from a paltry 17 to a remarkable 302, and I've included podcasts this time! There were so many videos I had to break them up into different categories for easier skimming. There are no duplicates, however I did place some videos into more than one category when I felt it was appropriate. This list is monstrous, enjoy.

Continue reading 302 Semantic Web Videos and Podcasts!

AUG 1st 2007

The Semantic Web has been discussed and debated by academics for years, and really, we are not getting anywhere fast. This post will discuss how to start building semantics into your website from the ground up. While doing this won't create the create the great Semantic Web straight away, it will provide an underground layer of accessible data which applications can start processing and using.

Continue reading Semantic Building: Starting a Revolution

AUG 20th 2007

I've been steadily churning out code for the Planet Semantic Focus aggregator and interface, and I'm happy to say that it's nearing completion. Believe me, I can't wait to release that site!

The aggregator uses SimplePie to process various feed types and I have to say it's been a pleasure to work with! It has made getting a feed aggregator off the ground a much simpler task.

Continue reading Update on Planet Semantic Focus

SEP 25th 2007

Where Do You Stand on Web 3.0?

Published 16 years ago by James Simmons

I recently read on Network World that Gartner's David Mitchell Smith said "There are a lot of constituencies trying to hijack the term Web 3.0." I don't think I like Web 3.0 just yet, do you? I agree with the Gartner representative that Web 3.0 wreaks of marketing hype, and in my opinion it is a race by people that felt left behind by the Web 2.0 movement. Vendors pushing the term Web 3.0 are advocating the rise of the Mobile Web, virtual worlds, and the Semantic Web. I agree that all of these technologies will take rise, but I don't agree that we should call that era "Web 3.0."

Continue reading Where Do You Stand on Web 3.0?

semantic weltbild 2.0 wrote a short article about NEPOMUK-KDE, a project whose aim is to bring RDF's resource annotation to the KDE desktop environment. NEPOMUK-KDE is a sub-project of the Semantic-Desktop project Nepomuk which aims to provide a full implementation of the standards and APIs defined in Nepomuk on the KDE desktop. As a sub-project of Nepomuk the two main issues are the maintenance and intensive usage of metadata throughout the desktop and powerful peer-to-peer collaboration techiques. This is accomplished in part by ditching the simplistic, string-based tagging model in favor of using RDF. If only this was for GNOME. Check it out!


FEB 14th 2008

Open CalaisOpen Calais - a new and smart API from Reuters - finally does what critics say to be the greatest obstacle to the Semantic Web: Taking the metadata burden from the end-user by providing an automatic meta-tagging tool. The principle behind Open Calais is easy: Put in some unstructured text and get in return nicely structured RDF-data. Backed by powerful Text Mining and machine learning techniques the API automatically detects entities like persons, events, countries and other facts.

Open Calais takes account of the fact that the added value of content is hidden in its structure. Uncovering that structure and representing it in a interoperable format makes existing resources more programmable and reusable.

But what is in for Reuters? Nothing less than the biggest structured content repository on the web. Should not we talk about this little fact as well?

FEB 18th 2008

Update: 302 Semantic Web Videos and Podcasts!

I've compiled a list of videos about the Semantic Web, RDF, and OWL for your viewing pleasure! Most of these videos are short, ranging from about 6 to 10 minutes while others are long (45+ minutes). Included are a few introductions, a few interviews, and a few that get into the gritty details.

Continue reading 17 Semantic Web, RDF, and OWL Videos

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