102 results for semantic web conference
The World Wide Web has long been evolving towards the vision of the Semantic Web — an extension of the existing web through which machines are better able to interoperate and work on our behalf. It promises to infuse the Internet with a combination of metadata, structure, and various technologies so that machines can derive meaning from information, make more intelligent choices, and complete tasks with reduced human intervention. It is a dramatic vision that stands to transform the existing Web in devastatingly powerful ways.
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ISWC 2008 will take place at the Kongresszentrum (Congress Center) in Karlsruhe, Germany from October 26th to the 30th. Information on invited speakers is not yet available.
Details surrounding ISWC 2009 have not yet been finalized, however Rudi Studer of the Semantic Web Science Association announced that it will be held in the Washington DC area. The conference is slated to be held at the end of October or the beginning of November.
ReadWriteWeb just posted an interesting article about investor opportunities and pitfalls in the Semantic Web space. The questions were asked to a panel of industry insiders at the SemTech 2008 conference. Panelists include Amanda Reed (Palomar Ventures), Eghosa Omoigui (Intel), and Stephen Hall (Vulcan Capital). This information can be very useful if you're looking to start a business within the Semantic Web industry.
The Semantic Web Company in Vienna, Austria is giving away a full conference pass worth $1,095 for the LinkedData Planet Conference! LinkedData Planet 2008 will be taking place on June 17-18, 2008 in New York with confirmed keynote speakers Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Kingsley Idehen and Ian Davis.
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The Semantic Web Strategies conference is coming to San Jose, CA September 30 to October 2, 2007. The conference is being held by Jupitermedia and registration ranges from $50 for an exhibits-only pass and $1,795 for full conference options (if you register before the 12th of September you get a discount). The conference passport is the most expensive but you get the following good stuff:
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Semantic Weltbuild 2.0 posted a wrap-up of the Triple-I 2007 conference at Stadthalle Graz in Austria. He posted some pictures, talks about a few interesting keynotes, and went over some of the things he did while he was there. I really wish I could have been there!
Continue reading Semantic Weltbild 2.0 Returns from Triple-I 2007 Conference
Coming soon to the Los Angeles, CA area is Semantic Web Camp, an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment on the Semantic Web Initiative. I'm glad to see that it's being held about an hour and a half from where I live. Since this conference is being held so close to my home am going to see how I can contribute.
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The 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008) is being held in Tenerife, Spain from June 1 to June 5, 2008. The conference is still in its early organizational stage so a list of speakers has not yet been included, nor has a schedule been set for the presentations. ESWC 2008 will feature a tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters track, a Ph.D. symposium and a number of collocated workshops.
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At ISWC2008 Freebase released its new RDF service for generating RDF representations of Freebase topics, allowing Freebase to be used as Linked Data! To obtain the RDF data for a topic send a GET request to http://rdf.freebase.com/rdf/some.topic.id where "some.topic.id" is replaced by the desired topic identifier (slashes in the identifier must be replaced by dots). Topic data can be represented as N3, RDF/XML or Turtle depending on the preferences expressed in your client's HTTP Accept header. Try it out with the Freebase topic Semantic Web.
Continue reading Freebase Officially Linked Data with Release of RDF Service
There's a lot of confusion about what the semantic web is, exactly. There are so many definitions that I can't possibly unify everything in one article. Some people say it's all about linked data, RDF, and ontologies. Some people call it "Web 3.0." (I recently gave a keynote speech at a "Web 3.0" conference, where many of the people had confused "Web 3.0" with "Web in 3D." I'm sure many people in the audience wondered why I wasn't talking about the future 3D web and, instead, was talking about information.) Some people say it will lead us to the singularity. Rather than try to define these terms, I propose we abandon them. I propose we stop talking about complicated solutions and start talking about problems.
Continue reading What is the Semantic Web?
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