103 results for semantic news aggregator
Update: I've posted an update on the status of Planet Semantic Focus.
Since day one my goal for Semantic Focus has been to create a central hub for Semantic Web talk and activity. To help reach that goal I've been hard at work on a new feature for Semantic Focus! Planet Semantic Focus is an aggregator of Semantic Web buzz, capturing talk about the Semantic Web from hundreds of sources including:
Continue reading Launching Soon: Planet Semantic Focus
I got an email from Dolors Reig about his Semantic Web planet-type site, Planeta Web Semántica, an aggregator of Semantic Web news in Spanish. The site indexes feeds in both Spanish and English to make up for the shortage of Spanish-language Semantic Web activity in the blogosphere. I doubt this will be so in the near future as Semantic Web concepts continue to gain traction with people around the world. The site sports a clean layout and I like that you're given the ability to comment on each news item. This is an excellent resource for those whose primary language is Spanish.
Natural Language Processing is very important to the Semantic Web. Language processing algorithm development will rise as better and smarter NLP agents are used to scour silos of raw textual data for semantic meaning. The addition of NLP Web services to the Web will give light to new and innovative mashups. An example mashup powered could be a service that uses a language processing agent to read a news article about the Apple iPhone and:
Continue reading Future value paradigms of the Semantic Web
I've been steadily churning out code for the Planet Semantic Focus aggregator and interface, and I'm happy to say that it's nearing completion. Believe me, I can't wait to release that site!
The aggregator uses SimplePie to process various feed types and I have to say it's been a pleasure to work with! It has made getting a feed aggregator off the ground a much simpler task.
Continue reading Update on Planet Semantic Focus
Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages, or GRDDL enables us to automatically extract information from structured Web pages, creating a bridge between XHTML/Microformats and RDF, and the current Web and the Semantic Web.
Continue reading W3C Releases GRDDL as a Recommendation!
I recently read on Network World that Gartner's David Mitchell Smith said "There are a lot of constituencies trying to hijack the term Web 3.0." I don't think I like Web 3.0 just yet, do you? I agree with the Gartner representative that Web 3.0 wreaks of marketing hype, and in my opinion it is a race by people that felt left behind by the Web 2.0 movement. Vendors pushing the term Web 3.0 are advocating the rise of the Mobile Web, virtual worlds, and the Semantic Web. I agree that all of these technologies will take rise, but I don't agree that we should call that era "Web 3.0."
Continue reading Where Do You Stand on Web 3.0?
Over the weekend I opened the doors to Planet Semantic Focus, our Semantic Web buzz aggregator! In a nutshell, PSF makes it easy for you to keep tabs on what's going within the Semantic Web community. In its current version (beta) the system is tracking blog posts from various sources and bloggers.
Continue reading Planet Semantic Focus: Aggregating Semantic Web Buzz
Once again, the main idea behind the social network comes from a reversal process. We're dealing with an approach focused on the people (user-centric) and not on the applications allowing us to produce various data (text with blogs, pictures on Flickr, videos on YouTube, etc.). Rather than indicate to our contacts the numerous RSS feeds representing our "digital life", we are going to point at a unique address (our OpenID) whereby they will have access to any shared data. Even better, they will be able to add us in their contact list in order to automatically receive our new data (our "lifestreams"). To draw a parallel between an existing tool, adding an RSS feed to an aggregator like Google Reader comes down to adding a contact in our social network. But there is a major difference because this new approach simplifies things a lot while introducing many new fascinating possibilities.
Continue reading The Object Oriented Web - Part 3 - Social Networks
I just stumbled upon a useful resource from Sindice (the Semantic Web search engine) called the Map of Data. The Map of Data lists sites that export their information via Microformats and embedded RDF (as well which format(s) the sites are using). Each site has been categorized and conveniently placed into lists. The categories include books, people, places, products and listings, social news, events, politics, and more. According to Sindice over 10 billion pieces of reusable information can already be found across 100 million pages.
Let's face it, Web documents in their current state are just about the worst way we exchange data. It usually comes in the form of HTML or XHTML, and rarely validates to any degree. In order to begin our approach towards Tim Berners-Lee's dream of the Semantic Web we must begin writing valid, semantic markup.
Continue reading Semantic markup gives Web documents meaning
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