49 results for vertical search engines list

APR 13th 2007

It seems as though nothing short of a new buzzword can stop the burst of activity in the vertical search market, and who are we to complain? Vertical search engines differ from their horizontal brethren (who attempt to index the Web as a whole) by focusing on a single topic or niche about which to index information from the Web. Often, a VSE can deliver results with much greater relevancy and accuracy than major horizontal players like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

Continue reading Vertical Search Engines are Domain Knowledge Silos

NOV 16th 2007

Image credit: Node GardensTo begin with, there is a very simple idea: Websites should themselves indicate their changes to the search engines. I've already touched upon the subject in the previous part of this series, right now search engines have a reversed approach which consists of crawling the Web constantly looking for the slightest modification. Don't you think it's silly? Think about the number of Web pages to visit, imagine the cost to get the lowest frequency between each visit. Consequently, it seems difficult to consider the development of new search engines today. Nevertheless, the advent of the Semantic Web should lead to their multiplication, in a vertical way, while search engines are getting specialized more and more in specific fields.

Continue reading The Object Oriented Web - Part 2 - Datahubs

FEB 27th 2008

Unlike traditional search engines, which crawl the Web gathering Web pages, Semantic Web search engines index RDF data stored on the Web and provide an interface to search through the crawled data. Below is a list of Semantic Web search engines that are currently under development.

Continue reading Semantic Web Search Engine Roundup

AUG 20th 2007

60+ Semantic Web Blogs (List)

Published 17 years ago by James Simmons

I've rounded up over 60 Semantic Web blogs for your reading and subscribing pleasure! These blogs are just a portion of the sources being indexed regularly by the soon-to-be-launched Planet Semantic Focus. Enjoy!

Continue reading 60+ Semantic Web Blogs (List)

SEP 13th 2007

This entry is a response to I will never support the Semantic Web by Brian of d'bug.

I'm getting tired of reading about how the Semantic Web is some kind of pipe dream that will never be realized. The Semantic Web is completely and entirely within our technological reach. People may have been given the impression that we cannot create the Semantic Web because of its complexity, the number of years it has been in development, or even the unanswered questions that still exist for certain problems we will face. These are valid reasons to doubt our progress, but progress is certainly what we are making.

Continue reading Some People Will Never Support the Semantic Web

SIOCSemantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC for short) is a framework aimed at connecting online communities and discussions from blogs, forums, content management systems mailing lists, and anything else. In the current Web, communities such as forums and blogs are like islands - they contain valuable information but are not well connected or queryable. SIOC allows you to connect these sites, and enables the extraction of semantic information from unlimited discussion platforms.

Continue reading Connect Discussions Between Blogs, Forums, and more with SIOC

OCT 3rd 2007

RDF in video gamesBefore I started researching the Semantic Web I spent a few years as a hobbyist game developer. In fact, if you'd asked me 4 years ago what I'd be doing today I would have said "working on a game engine." I still enjoy game development and (naturally) playing video games as well. I often wonder how the Semantic Web will affect game development, and how games may take advantage of Semantic Web technologies. I've searched high and low (on Google) and haven't found a single written piece on people's ideas of the Semantic Web and video games so I will describe my own, as well as provide some visuals to give you a clear picture.

Continue reading Possibilities for Video Games and the Semantic Web

FEB 21st 2008

A lot of you emailed me asking where to find more videos, so I'm delivering the goods. I've expanded the previous list from a paltry 17 to a remarkable 302, and I've included podcasts this time! There were so many videos I had to break them up into different categories for easier skimming. There are no duplicates, however I did place some videos into more than one category when I felt it was appropriate. This list is monstrous, enjoy.

Continue reading 302 Semantic Web Videos and Podcasts!

True KnowledgeTrue Knowledge is a natural language search engine and question answering site, but to leave it at that would not do the site justice. What makes it stand out from similar sounding services like Powerset and Freebase? True Knowledge tackles natural language search and question answering (much like Powerset and Hakia), and it also maintains a knowledge base of facts about the world (similar to DBpedia and Freebase). However, what makes True Knowledge stand out is that they've combined these features and encourage their userbase to contribute facts and add new knowledge.

Continue reading True Knowledge: The Natural Language Question Answering Wikipedia for Facts

JUN 16th 2007

There's a lot of talk about new search engines and the promising technologies behind them. One technology that has more or less recently been applied to Web search is natural language processing. NLP allows search engines such as Hakia and Powerset to return results based on the query's meaning rather than relying on keyword distribution as a means of identifying relevant Web documents.

Continue reading Stochastic (statistical) search is on the way out

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