15 results for python sparql

To all my fellow Python enthusiasts, Ivan Herman (with the help of new programmers from the CTIC Foundation in Spain) has released a new version of his SPARQL wrapper for Python. The wrapper creates the query URI for you and will convert the results to RDF/XML and JSON, if possible. Keep up the excellent work guys, we can never have enough Semantic Web libs for Python!

JAN 27th 2007

Appmosphere RDF ClassesARC is a lightweight, SPARQL-enabled RDF system for mainstream Web projects. It is written in PHP and has been optimized for shared (or performance- or privilege-limited) Web environments. ARC facilitates the integration of RDF and SPARQL into PHP/MySQL frameworks.

ARC is a very well documented project, which I think is important for its success. Their documentation is clear, concise, and provides plenty of inline sample code to examine as you read and learn.

Continue reading ARC - RDF and SPARQL for PHP developers

MAR 19th 2007

I have 3 interesting links that you need to check out. The first two are products for discovering and storing metadata, natural language processing, and many more things. The third link goes to a post on Geospatial Semantic Web Blog which gives us an update on Metalink's ability to map its descriptions into RDF.

Continue reading Mini-roundup of links I think you need to check out

AUG 20th 2007

60+ Semantic Web Blogs (List)

Published 17 years ago by James Simmons

I've rounded up over 60 Semantic Web blogs for your reading and subscribing pleasure! These blogs are just a portion of the sources being indexed regularly by the soon-to-be-launched Planet Semantic Focus. Enjoy!

Continue reading 60+ Semantic Web Blogs (List)

SIOCSemantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC for short) is a framework aimed at connecting online communities and discussions from blogs, forums, content management systems mailing lists, and anything else. In the current Web, communities such as forums and blogs are like islands - they contain valuable information but are not well connected or queryable. SIOC allows you to connect these sites, and enables the extraction of semantic information from unlimited discussion platforms.

Continue reading Connect Discussions Between Blogs, Forums, and more with SIOC

SEP 20th 2007

Microsoft has taken steps in the direction of supporting Semantic Web standards such as RDF, OWL, and SPARQL. While their support is minimal and not hyped very broadly it is still nice to see the them implementing these standards in their software. I also haven't seen any evidence that they wish to formulate a proprietary brand of these standards, so I have no complaints.

Continue reading How Microsoft Invests in Semantic Web Technologies

JUN 22nd 2007

The Semantic Web is a thing of data purity and interconnectedness the likes of which we have not seen. However, people are selfish. On top of that, people are lazy and fallible. All of these qualities in humans form a road block that we must get past if we hope to create the Semantic Web. We need to both satisfy the selfishness of man and overcome our error-prone nature if we are to reach our goal.

Continue reading The Semantic Web is not Impossible to Reach

OCT 11th 2007

New Semantic Web logoOpen your data! That's the theme behind the new Semantic Web logo created by the W3C. The three sides of the tri-color cube are meant to represent the RDF triple model, and the peeled back lid is suggestive of the main theme of opening your data for everyone to access. For now they ask that you use the images that include the W3C logo, at least until the new Semantic Web logo becomes more widely recognized on its own.

They've also created 80x15 sized buttons for RDF, OWL, SPARQL, and GRDDL! I'm not too wild about those kinds of buttons, but I'm sure we'll see them springing up everywhere in no time. The buttons come in blue, green, orange, gray, and purple.

The RDF Data Access Working Group has published the following three SPARQL Proposed Recommendations:

SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Defines the syntax and semantics of the SPARQL query language for RDF. The results of SPARQL queries can be results sets or RDF graphs.
SPARQL Query Results XML Format
Defines an XML format for the variable binding and boolean results formats.
SPARQL Protocol for RDF
Uses WSDL 2.0 to describe an HTTP protocol for conveying SPARQL queries to an SPARQL query processing service and returning the query results to the party that made the request.

The most pertinent issue surrounding the Semantic Web is why it has not yet gained strong traction from the development community. First, when I say grassroots I'm referring to the initiative of people like you and I to create the Semantic Web from the bottom-up. The ivory towers is the W3C and their initiative to create the Semantic Web. Both groups are pivotal to the acceptance and adoption of new standards and technologies. Without grassroots initiatives we would not have adoption and without the W3C we would not have standards (which we all have learned the Web most certainly requires).

Continue reading Moving Towards the Semantic Web: Grassroots vs. Ivory Towers

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