104 results for semantic web community
This entry is a response to I will never support the Semantic Web by Brian of d'bug.
I'm getting tired of reading about how the Semantic Web is some kind of pipe dream that will never be realized. The Semantic Web is completely and entirely within our technological reach. People may have been given the impression that we cannot create the Semantic Web because of its complexity, the number of years it has been in development, or even the unanswered questions that still exist for certain problems we will face. These are valid reasons to doubt our progress, but progress is certainly what we are making.
Continue reading Some People Will Never Support the Semantic Web
Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC for short) is a framework aimed at connecting online communities and discussions from blogs, forums, content management systems mailing lists, and anything else. In the current Web, communities such as forums and blogs are like islands - they contain valuable information but are not well connected or queryable. SIOC allows you to connect these sites, and enables the extraction of semantic information from unlimited discussion platforms.
Continue reading Connect Discussions Between Blogs, Forums, and more with SIOC
The World Wide Web has long been evolving towards the vision of the Semantic Web — an extension of the existing web through which machines are better able to interoperate and work on our behalf. It promises to infuse the Internet with a combination of metadata, structure, and various technologies so that machines can derive meaning from information, make more intelligent choices, and complete tasks with reduced human intervention. It is a dramatic vision that stands to transform the existing Web in devastatingly powerful ways.
Continue reading Introduction to the Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 1 - Overview
A lot of you emailed me asking where to find more videos, so I'm delivering the goods. I've expanded the previous list from a paltry 17 to a remarkable 302, and I've included podcasts this time! There were so many videos I had to break them up into different categories for easier skimming. There are no duplicates, however I did place some videos into more than one category when I felt it was appropriate. This list is monstrous, enjoy.
Continue reading 302 Semantic Web Videos and Podcasts!
For just about every area of research there exists documents online describing background information or techniques to accomplish a task in that domain of research. These documents are often referred to as white papers, provided their content is of technical or research orientation. The information held within white papers is essentially accessible by humans only because machines are not able to read and comprehend text in the same way humans can. If machines were able to read white papers and extract information in the same way humans can we would be able to store each fact and piece of knowledge from the documents. This method of indexing would facilitate much more detailed searches, allowing users to search by topic, theory, conclusion, methods, citations, references, etc.
Continue reading Extracting Information from White Paper Text
The Semantic Web is a thing of data purity and interconnectedness the likes of which we have not seen. However, people are selfish. On top of that, people are lazy and fallible. All of these qualities in humans form a road block that we must get past if we hope to create the Semantic Web. We need to both satisfy the selfishness of man and overcome our error-prone nature if we are to reach our goal.
Continue reading The Semantic Web is not Impossible to Reach
The most pertinent issue surrounding the Semantic Web is why it has not yet gained strong traction from the development community. First, when I say grassroots I'm referring to the initiative of people like you and I to create the Semantic Web from the bottom-up. The ivory towers is the W3C and their initiative to create the Semantic Web. Both groups are pivotal to the acceptance and adoption of new standards and technologies. Without grassroots initiatives we would not have adoption and without the W3C we would not have standards (which we all have learned the Web most certainly requires).
Continue reading Moving Towards the Semantic Web: Grassroots vs. Ivory Towers
Update: I've posted an update on the status of Planet Semantic Focus.
Since day one my goal for Semantic Focus has been to create a central hub for Semantic Web talk and activity. To help reach that goal I've been hard at work on a new feature for Semantic Focus! Planet Semantic Focus is an aggregator of Semantic Web buzz, capturing talk about the Semantic Web from hundreds of sources including:
Continue reading Launching Soon: Planet Semantic Focus
Yesterday I was using Google Trends to get a rough idea of what people were searching for, especially searches related to the Semantic Web. Today I've gathered a few of the graphs I created using Google Trends and BlogPulse Trends to give you an idea of the search and blogging volume for the Semantic Web, as well as how it compares to Web 2.0's buzz on the Web.
Continue reading Search and Blogging Trends for the Semantic Web
Nova Spivack posted The Semantic Web, Collective Intelligence and Hyperdata, a response to Tim O'Reilly's recent post about the Economist. I found Nova's response to be very informative. He shared some of his insightful ideas, such as folktologies — emergent, community generated ontologies. He believes that the Semantic Web is all about collective intelligence, and he suggests that the term "hyperdata" could be a useful way to express what the Semantic Web is all about.
He goes on to cover the following topics:
- What Makes Something a Semantic Web Application?
- Semantic Versus Semantic Web
- The Difference Between "Data On the Web" and a "Web of Data"
- The Semantic Web is Built by and for Collective Intelligence
- Folktologies
- Web 3.0 and the concept of "Hyperdata"
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